
Acute toxicity of three drugs acting on nymph of Sipunculus nudus

  • 摘要: 采用静水试验法,在水温29.1~30.7℃,pH 8.0~8.2,盐度29.5的条件下,用敌百虫、甲氰菊酯和益扫剂3种药物对体长2~3 cm裸体方格星虫(Sipunculus nudus)稚虫进行了急性毒性试验,以期为星虫养殖生产中虫害防治合理用药提供参考。结果表明,3种药物对星虫稚虫的24和48 h LC50以及安全浓度分别为敌百虫1.03,0.67和0.09 mg · L-1;甲氰菊酯0.70,0.54和0.10 mg · L-1;益扫剂0.72,0.48和0.06 mg · L-1


    Abstract: With a view to provide some useful information for the control or kill the harmful micro-organism in the cultivation of Sipunculus nudus, the acute toxicity experiment of trichlorfon, fenpropathin and phoxim-fenvalerate mix on 2~3 cm body length nymph of S.nudus was performed in stilled water at the conditions of water temperature of 29.1~30.7℃, pH 8.0~8.2 and salinity of 29.5. The results indicated that the 24 h LC50, 48 h LC50 and SC (safe concentration) of trichlorfon were 1.03, 0.67 and 0.09 mg · L-1. The 24 h LC50, 48 h LC50 and SC of fenpropathin were 0.70, 0.54 and 0.10 mg · L-1. The 24 h LC50, 48 h LC50 and SC of phoxim-fenvalerate mix were 0.72, 0.48 and 0.06 mg · L-1.


